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The data revolution is here! The United Nations High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda acknowledged that “better data and statistics will help governments track progress and make sure their decisions are evidence-based” as well as have the potential to “strengthen accountability.” But are governments, especially municipal governments, ready to help lead the data revolution? Read more.
Washington, DC, has been one of the foremost laboratories for tech-driven innovations in the transport sector. The city implemented North America’s first bike-share system, and most recently it welcomed companies to experiment with the latest transport trend: “micro mobility,”
Bogotá is one of Latin America’s most polluted cities—but thanks to its citizens, its air may be getting cleaner.
From a small collection of fishing villages 40 years ago to a metropolis on track for a global milestone, Shenzhen has come further, faster than most cities. Already home to the largest fleet of electric buses in the world – roughly 14,500 at the end of May – the city is expected to electrify 100 percent of its public transit bus fleet by the end of 2017. If successful, it will become the first in the world to do so.
The 18 Latin American Cities currently signed onto the Clean Bus Declaration of 2015 are sending clear signals to the market about their commitment to transitioning their bus fleets to low or zero emission buses. The time to transition is now, as many cities in the region, like Bogotá and Santiago, are preparing to renew part of their bus fleets in the next couple of years—an opportunity to adopt zero and low emission buses that will not present itself again in the near future.
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Published in Case studies on transport policy, 2016
This study investigates the use of both monetary and non-monetary incentives delivered through mobile phones, as a way of modifying citizens’ behaviour, specifically when it comes to generating modal shift towards more environmentally friendly modes of transport such as walking and cycling.
Recommended citation: Castellanos, S. (2016) "Delivering modal-shift incentives by using gamification and smartphones: A field study example in Bogota, Colombia"Case studies on transport policy. 4(4), 269-278.
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Published in Research in Transportation Economics, 2018
Electric buses have local environmental benefits, which has incentivized cities to transition their fleets from diesel to electric. However, the adoption of electric bus globally is geographically uneven and limited in scale. One issue is the high upfront cost of electric buses. However, few studies have analyzed the contracting and financing mechanisms that can help accelerate electric bus adoption. As part of the initial information collection process, the paper is based on real-world experiences and evidence, applies a comparative multi-case study to 22 cities in 14 countries.
Recommended citation: Li,X., Castellanos, S., Maassen, A. (2018) "Emerging trends and innovations for electric bus adoption—a comparative case study of contracting and financing of 22 cities in the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe." Research in Transportation Economics. 69, 470-481
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Published in World Resources Institute, 2019
Electric buses, which have zero tailpipe emissions, hold the potential to provide outsized air quality and climate benefits. Faster adoption of cleaner buses is an important part of the bigger climate solution, helping put cities on track towards sustainability. Despite the promise of electric buses, however, their adoption has been uneven and varied in scale. Implementation has not accelerated fast enough for the world to meet transport-related climate objectives. This report identifies and presents the main barriers that cities face when implementing e-buses, especially in the global south.
Recommended citation: Sclar, R., Gorguinpour, C., Castellanos, S., Li, X. (2019). "Barriers to Adopting Electric Buses". World Resources Institute.
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Published in World Resources Institute, 2019
Electric buses could pioneer a new age of clean and efficient urban transport and put cities on track towards sustainability. However, electric bus adoption is not accelerating fast enough for the world to meet transport-related global climate objectives and help limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius. The aim of this report is to fill in knowledge gaps and provide actionable guidance for transit agencies and bus operating entities to help them overcome the most common and debilitating barriers to electric bus adoption.
Recommended citation: Li, X., Gorguinpour, C., Sclar, R., Castellanos, S., (2019). "How to Enable Electric Bus Adoption in Cities Worldwide: A Guiding Report for City Transit Agencies and Bus Operating Entities". World Resources Institute.
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Published in World Resources Institute, 2019
Etiqueta y Norma de Eficiencia Energética para Vehículos Livianos presenta una visión general de dos políticas que los gobiernos de la región de América Latina y el Caribe pueden implementar para mejorar la eficiencia vehicular de sus parques automotores livianos nuevos. Las etiquetas de eficiencia vehicular y las normas de eficiencia energética vehicular son políticas que contribuyen a reducir las emisiones de CO 2 del sector transporte, y así mantener la temperatura global por debajo de 2°C. Chile, México y Brasil nos aportan lecciones que pueden aprovechar otros países de la región
Recommended citation: Martínez Salgado, H.,; Castellanos, S.,, (2019). "Etiqueta y norma de eficiencia para vehículos livianos: Beneficios, barreras y estudios de caso: Una herramienta para su implementación en países latinoamericanos". World Resources Institute.
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Published in Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2019
Bus services are a fundamental component of transportation networks in Latin America, but buses often account for a disproportionately large number of environmental externalities. Electric buses (e-buses) are emerging as an effective and pragmatic option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and local pollutants. However, e-buses are difficult to procure in Latin America because of existing procurement challenges in the region, especially as those challenges relate to forming contracts to deal with high upfront costs and unknown risks.
Recommended citation: Orbea, J., Castellanos, S., Albuquerque, C., Sclar R., Pinheiro, B., (2019). "Adapting Procurement Models for Electric Buses in Latin America". Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2673(10), 175-184.
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Published in Interamerican Development Bank, 2019
La publicación está dirigida a tomadores de decisiones públicas que estén en las etapas iniciales de planeación de un sistema de bicicletas compartidas (SBC). Se basa en las lecciones aprendidas después de analizar 30 SBC a nivel global, y sintetiza los elementos clave identificados en la investigación, con el objetivo de apoyar a las ciudades en su implementación.
Recommended citation: Castellanos, S., De la Lanza, I., Bray Sharpin, A., Lleras, N., Lo Re, L., Amezola Rodríguez, D., (2019). "Guía para la estructuración de sistemas de bicicletas compartidas". Interamerican Development Bank.
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Published in Coalition for Urban Transitions, 2020
Electrifying municipal bus fleets presents a unique opportunity to reduce local pollution, improve respiratory health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector. Despite the promises of electric buses (e-buses), their implementation faces many challenges, especially in Global South cities such as Bogotá, Colombia.
Recommended citation: Sclar, R., Werthmann, E., Orbea, J., Siqueira, E., Tavares, V., Pinheiro, B., Albuquerque, C. and Castellanos, S. (2020). "The Future of Urban Mobility: The case for electric bus deployment in Bogotá, Colombia." Coalition for Urban Transitions 1. London and Washington, DC.
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This webinar explains some principal components of business models that enable adoption of electric buses in public transport, based on case studies in 22 cities and 14 countries across America, Asia and Europe.
Presentation and panel during UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 - unfccc
Quote and inputs on a piece on the climate impacts of SUVs for The Guardian:
Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.
Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.